Shreenath Healthcare
Charitable Trust

Dental & Physiotherapy Hospital

Discover Your Confident Smile And Strong Body With Us

We help You Get The Most Hygienic Oral Healthcare and physiotherapy with our team of experienced professionals and advanced technologies.

Welcome To The One Stop Healthcare Solution For Your Family at Shreenath Healthcare Charitable Trust

We at, Shreenath Healthcare Charitable Trust, In Gandhinagar, are the best dental healthcare and physiotherapy clinic. We believe that your smile, along with a fit and strong body can win the world. We help you in getting that smile and body with utmost care and comfort.

We take pride in providing the best health care for your teeth and physiotherapy sessions with our stress-free procedure.

With the latest technologies in dental healthcare, physiotherapy and specialists for your every need, our dental and physiotherapy clinic in Gandhinagar is specially designed keeping in mind your requirements.

Who We Are

When it comes to dental care we are the symbol of quality with our experience of 5 years. We provide a wide variety of treatment options for your whole family in our dental clinic in Gandhinagar and our experience ranges from laser dentistry to bone grafting, splint therapy to gum surgery and all the what-nots of dental healthcare.

Not only this but our dental clinic in Gandhinagar also boasts of providing world-class kid dentistry for your tiny tots.

Plus a bonus, we have experienced physiotherapists too at your disposal who guide and train you about your correct posture.

Building Trust Through Quality

“Your smile and a fit body is our top focus.”

At our dental and physio hospital in Gandhinagar, our focus is on providing you with world-class dental care along with the correct posture. Our team understands your issues and curates a plan keeping you in mind. With the experience of half a decade, we focus on building trust and providing comfort through our team at the dental and physio hospital

Our state-of-the-art facilities and team of highly qualified dentists and physiotherapists help you in making your dental and physio journey as smooth as possible.

Personalisation, Prioritization and Precision are our dental clinic’s mantra.

Your Pocket-Friendly Friend

“Get the best possible value for your money.”

At our dental and physio hospital in Gandhinagar, we provide you with the best service in your dental journey without leaving a burden in your pocket.

When it comes to providing good quality dental care and physiotherapy we know that the cost for the same is a major concern.

But don’t worry our dental and physio hospital in Gandhinagar provides comfortable oral health care and physio services that are affordable. We have a pricing system that is transparent and flexible for you.

Don’t let money be a problem for your oral healthcare and fitness. Talk to our team and get a personalised plan created specially for your needs and within your budget.


Patients Treated Till Now






Shreenath Healthcare Charitable Trust has a team of experienced dentists, skilled professionals and physiotherapists that take care of your every need. Our Dentists and Physiotherapists are the best in the city. We adopt advanced technologies and ensure you get rid of your dental problems smoothly.

Dental Services

  • Teeth Cleaning

    Teeth cleaning, or dental prophylaxis, is a standard procedure to remove plaque, tartar, and stains. It includes scaling for tartar removal, polishing for surface smoothness and stain removal, flossing for interdental and gumline cleaning. Oral hygiene guidance is also provided by Dental professionals. Regular cleanings prevent gum disease, cavities, and promote oral health for a bright smile.

  • Tooth Extractions

    Tooth extraction involves removing a tooth from its socket in the jawbone, often due to decay, damage, or infection. The dentist applies anesthesia, loosens the tooth, and carefully extracts it. Post-operative care instructions are given to aid healing and prevent complications.

  • Fillings

    Dental fillings restore teeth damaged by decay or trauma using materials like amalgam or composite resin. Decay or damage is removed, and the filling material is shaped to restore the tooth's structure and function. Fillings offer durability and protection against further decay, with options like metal amalgam or tooth-colored composite resin.

  • Dental Crowns

    Dental crowns, custom-made caps, restore damaged teeth, enhancing shape, size, and strength. Materials like porcelain or metal match natural teeth color and contour. The process involves tooth preparation, impressions, and secure crown placement. Crowns offer lasting protection, functionality, and aesthetic enhancement, ensuring both the appearance and function of the smile are preserved.

  • Dental Bridges

    Dental bridges replace missing teeth by bridging the gap between adjacent natural teeth or implants. Crafted from materials like porcelain or metal alloys, bridges blend seamlessly with natural teeth. The procedure involves preparing adjacent teeth, taking impressions, and cementing the bridge in place. Bridges restore chewing function, speech, and smile aesthetics, offering a durable and natural-looking solution for tooth loss.

  • Dental Veeners

    Veneers are thin custom shells made from porcelain or composite resin which enhances teeth appearance by covering their front surface. They correct issues like chipping, staining, gaps, or misalignment. Minimal tooth preparation precedes securely bonding the veneers. Resulting in a natural-looking, long-lasting solution, veneers enhance smile aesthetics and restore confidence effectively.

  • Dentures

    Dental dentures replace missing teeth and surrounding tissue, crafted from acrylic resin or a resin-metal combination. Custom-made for a precise fit, the process includes mouth impressions, laboratory crafting, and fitting for comfort and functionality. Dentures restore both aesthetics and oral function, offering a tailored solution for missing teeth and tissue.

  • Dental Implants

    Dental implants, titanium or titanium alloy tooth roots, provide a sturdy base for replacement teeth like crowns, bridges, or dentures. Through surgery, implants are placed into the jawbone, followed by a healing period for bone fusion. Subsequently, prosthetic teeth are attached, offering a natural and functional solution for missing teeth with long-lasting stability and aesthetics.

  • RCT

    Root canal treatment (RCT) rescues severely decayed or infected teeth by removing damaged pulp, cleaning, and filling root canals with gutta-percha. Alleviating pain and preventing infection, RCT preserves tooth structure. Usually, the tooth receives a filling or crown for added strength and protection, ensuring restored function and maintaining oral health effectively.

  • Kids Dentistry

    Pediatric dentistry is dedicated to the oral health of infants, children, and adolescents, prioritizing preventive care like check-ups, fluoride treatments, and sealants for early dental wellness. Pediatric dentists offer education on oral hygiene and diet, along with specialized treatments such as cleanings, fillings, and extractions tailored to children's needs. Cultivating positive dental experiences fosters lifelong oral habits and ensures enduring dental health.

  • Teeth Alignment

    Braces, or orthodontic treatment, corrects misaligned teeth and jaws by applying gentle pressure with brackets, wires, and bands. Recommended for issues like crooked teeth, overcrowding, and bite problems, treatment duration varies but typically spans months to years. Regular check-ups and adjustments ensure progress monitoring and optimal results, improving both smile appearance and overall oral health and function.

  • Smile Makeover

    A smile makeover transforms the smile through cosmetic and restorative procedures like whitening, veneers, crowns, implants, and orthodontics, tailored to individual needs. Starting with an assessment, a personalized plan is developed to address concerns such as staining, misalignment, or missing teeth. The result is a brighter, symmetrical, and confident smile, achieved through comprehensive dental treatment for enhanced aesthetics and oral health.

  • Oral Surgery

    Oral surgery encompasses diagnosing and surgically treating conditions of the mouth, jaw, and face, including tooth extraction and jaw surgery. Our dentists are proficient in a range of procedures, ensuring skillful and experienced care for various oral health needs. Trust in our expertise for effective treatment of diseases, injuries, and defects, promoting optimal oral function and well-being.

  • Bone Grafting

    Bone grafting augments bone in the jaw or elsewhere, vital for patients with bone loss from periodontal disease, trauma, or tooth loss. Graft material, from the patient, donor, or synthetics, stimulates new bone growth, integrating with existing bone. This procedure provides stability for implants, enhances facial aesthetics, and restores oral function, crucial for successful dental interventions in cases of insufficient bone volume.

  • Sinus Lift

    A sinus lift, or sinus augmentation, boosts bone in the upper jaw which is essential for implant support when bone height is insufficient. In the procedure, the sinus membrane is raised, and bone graft material is inserted between the jaw and sinus floor, stimulating new bone growth. This ensures a stable foundation for dental implants, particularly vital for successful placement in the posterior upper jaw.

  • Apicoectomy

    An apicoectomy addresses persistent root tip infection or inflammation when root canal treatment fails. The dentist removes infected tissue and a portion of the root tip, then cleans and seals the canal, sometimes adding biocompatible material. This procedure is a last resort before extraction, preserving the tooth and oral health effectively by eliminating infection and inflammation.

  • Cyst Removal

    Cyst removal surgically extracts jawbone or oral tissue cysts, fluid-filled sacs resulting from infections or abnormalities. Left untreated, cysts can harm surrounding teeth, bone, and nerves. The dentist or oral surgeon makes an incision, removes the cyst, and cleans the area to prevent infection. Bone grafting may follow to promote regeneration. This procedure relieves pain, prevents complications, and restores oral health and function effectively.

  • Tumor Removal

    Tumor removal eliminates abnormal growths in the jawbone, oral cavity, or surrounding tissues, whether benign or malignant. Surgery involves excising the tumor and healthy tissue margin to prevent recurrence. Depending on size and type, reconstructive surgery may be needed. Crucial for diagnosis and prevention, tumor removal preserves oral health and overall well-being, ensuring effective treatment and reducing further complications.

  • Gum Surgery

    Gum surgery, or periodontal surgery, addresses gum issues like periodontitis or recession to restore health and aesthetics. Procedures may include gum grafting to cover exposed roots, flap surgery to remove tartar, or crown lengthening to reveal more tooth structure. These treatments combat infection, inflammation, and enhance gum stability and appearance, crucial for preserving oral health and preventing tooth loss effectively.

  • Habit breaking Appliance

    A habit-breaking appliance, common in pediatric dentistry, aids in breaking harmful oral habits like thumb sucking or tongue thrusting. Custom-made for comfort, it creates a barrier or deterrent to the habit, promoting muscle retraining with consistent wear. Effective in addressing alignment, jaw, and speech issues, its success relies on individual compliance and commitment to breaking the habit within a specified period.

  • Splint Therapy

    Splint therapy manages temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and muscle dysfunction using a custom-made oral appliance worn over the teeth. This splint, or night guard, alleviates symptoms like jaw pain, muscle tension, and headaches by stabilizing the joint, reducing strain, and promoting alignment. Recommended for TMJ disorders, bruxism, or teeth protection during sleep, treatment duration and effectiveness depend on individual condition and adherence to usage instructions.

  • Laser Dentistry

    Laser dentistry employs focused light energy for precise, minimally uncomfortable dental procedures. With benefits like decreased anesthesia requirement, quicker healing, and lower infection risk, it's used for cavity treatment, gum disease therapy, reshaping, and soft tissue surgeries. Harnessing laser technology enhances dental care, offering patients efficient, comfortable treatments and ultimately improving oral health outcomes significantly.

Physiotherapy Services

  • Interferntial Therapy (IFT)

    Interferential Therapy (IFT) is a type of physical therapy that uses low-frequency electrical currents to alleviate pain and promote tissue healing through the application of intersecting electrical waves to targeted areas of the body.

  • Ultrasound Therapy

    Ultrasound Therapy involves the use of high-frequency sound waves to generate deep tissue heat, promoting circulation, reducing inflammation, and aiding in the recovery of musculoskeletal injuries in physical therapy and rehabilitation settings.

  • Traction Therapy

    Traction Therapy is a therapeutic approach that applies controlled pulling forces to the spine or limbs, aiming to relieve pressure on spinal discs, nerves, or joints, thereby alleviating pain, improving spinal alignment, and fostering the healing of various musculoskeletal conditions.

  • Wax Therapy

    Wax Therapy, also known as paraffin wax treatment, involves immersing specific body parts in warm melted paraffin wax to provide soothing heat therapy. This aids in pain relief, increases blood circulation, and softens skin, making it particularly beneficial for managing conditions like arthritis and joint discomfort.

  • Short Wave Diathermy (SWD)

    Short Wave Diathermy (SWD) is a therapeutic technique that employs high-frequency electromagnetic waves to generate deep heat within body tissues, promoting relaxation, improved blood flow, and relief from muscle tension and pain, often used in physical therapy and rehabilitation settings.

  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Therapy

    Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Therapy involves applying low-voltage electrical currents through skin electrodes to stimulate nerves and alleviate pain, leading to the release of endorphins and modulating pain perception, commonly used for pain management in various medical and rehabilitative contexts.

  • Lymphatic Drainage Massage (LDM)

    Lymphatic Drainage Massage is a specialized technique designed to enhance the natural flow of lymphatic fluid within the body by using gentle, rhythmic movements. This therapy aims to reduce swelling, boost immune function, and promote detoxification by aiding the lymphatic system in removing waste and excess fluids from tissues.

  • Cupping Therapy

    Cupping Therapy involves placing cups on the skin to create a vacuum-like suction, which promotes blood flow, relieves muscle tension, and encourages healing. This traditional practice is believed to stimulate circulation and reduce pain, often leaving temporary circular marks on the skin due to increased blood flow.

  • Myofascial Release(MFR)

    Myofascial Release (MFR) is a therapeutic technique that focuses on releasing tension and restrictions within the fascia—a connective tissue that surrounds muscles and organs. By applying gentle pressure and stretching, MFR aims to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and restore balance in the body's soft tissues.

  • Soft Tissue Mobilization

    Soft Tissue Mobilization is a manual therapy approach that involves skilled manipulation of soft tissues, such as muscles, fascia, and tendons, to enhance flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and promote healing. This technique is used to address musculoskeletal issues, improve range of motion, and alleviate discomfort through hands-on manipulation and stretching.

  • Cryotherapy

    Cryotherapy is a therapeutic method that utilizes cold temperatures or ice application to reduce inflammation, numb pain, and promote tissue healing. This process constricts blood vessels, minimizing blood flow to the affected area and potentially offering relief for conditions like injuries, sore muscles, and certain forms of pain.

  • Electrical stimulation (ES)

    Electrical Stimulation (ES) involves applying controlled electrical currents to specific areas of the body through electrodes, aiming to trigger muscle contractions, manage pain, enhance muscle function, and aid in rehabilitation. This technique is used in various medical and therapeutic settings to promote healing and improve neuromuscular responses.

  • Infrared Radiation (IRR)

    Infra-red Radiation (IRR) therapy involves the use of low-energy infrared light to penetrate tissues and generate heat. This therapeutic approach is employed to alleviate pain, relax muscles, and enhance blood circulation, making it useful for various musculoskeletal conditions and promoting the body's natural healing processes.

  • Pneumatic Therapy (Compression Therapy)

    Pneumatic Therapy, also known as Compression Therapy, employs controlled air pressure to apply rhythmic or sequential compression to limbs or specific body areas. This approach enhances circulation, reduces swelling, and aids in the prevention or treatment of conditions like lymphedema, venous insufficiency, and certain types of edema by promoting fluid movement and tissue healing.

  • Chest Physiotherapy

    Chest Physiotherapy involves a range of manual techniques and therapeutic maneuvers designed to improve lung function, clear mucus from the airways, and enhance respiratory efficiency. This approach is commonly used to manage conditions such as cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other respiratory disorders, helping to maintain healthier lung function and prevent complications.


Kishan Bhanderi

Shreenath Dental Clinic is providing top quality treatment at a very affordable price. I would recommend Shreenath Health care to all those who are living in Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad.

Meet Rathod

I visited Shreenath Dental Clinic 3 months ago for my treatment of teeth. I can proudly say it's been 3 months now and I am not facing any issues...... Super quality work 👍 Best dentist in the Town.

Hardik Mewada

Very nice service. Clear and dedicated work. A humble behavior. And cost effective method with precise guidance.

Dhaval Thakor

Best Dental Clinic in Gandhinagar locality 👍👏👏

Akshay Patel

Doctor has polite nature and has good communication skills, good staff nature, affordable treatments and fees and gives quality treatments

Chirag Bhavsar

I can Proudly say - Shreenath dental clinic has the best team of dentist. Very very genuine doctors and very good behaviour. Providing expensive dental services at very low rates.

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